Getting much, much better, Cambium. Not sure if there's anything broken yet, but it looks good so far.

Updated a couple sites tonight. One AP was running 3.2.1. Wouldn't update, kept failing. Rebooted it. Uh.. uptime still 26 days. ssh to it, reboot. Nope, can't communicate with localhost. I suppose that's the snmpd bug. Luckily I had remote power control on it. Power-cycled and then it updated fine.

Anyway.. updated a 2000 AP also from 3.2.1, but at least it wasn't acting stupid. This is the site where we tried a 1000 GPS AP co-located with a couple 5.7 FSK APs and very short range SMs. And the APs are P9s which don't support SM Tx power control. Even the 5.4 band on the 1000 wouldn't work, not even with sync. The receiver was simply too overloaded. No SM could achieve over MCS1 uplink. Well, the 2k AP solved all that and is running in the 5.4 band with no issues that I can see.

Here's the frame config. Max range is 5 miles to sync with the 5.7 FSK APs at 2 miles, 75% and 2 control slots, which is what the ePMP-PMP100 excel calculator told me.

And a linktest to a Force200.

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