Saturday, March 20, 2010
EU lawmakers call for political resolution in Sam Rainsy’s case

EU MPs meet with opposition MPs at the Sam Rainsy Party headquarters (Photo: 

EU MPs meeting with Cambodian MPs from all four parties represented at the 
National Assembly (Photo: Ly Meng Huor, RFI)

19 March 2010
By Ly Meng Huor
Radio France Internationale
Translated from Khmer by Komping Puoy
Click here to read the article in Khmer

EUlawmakers who are currently visiting Cambodia asked the government andthe 
National Assembly led by the CPP to seek a political solution sothat opposition 
leader Sam Rainsy can return back to Cambodia. Therequest was made so that 
Cambodia can earn more confidence from theinternational community.

That was the topic raised by EU MPsduring a meeting forum with Cambodian MPs 
from the CPP, the SRP, theHRP and the Nationalist parties in the morning of 19 
March 2010.

Atthe joint parliament forum, Ivo Belet, a member of the EU 
Parliament,indicated that the Cambodia government and National Assembly (NA) 
wouldreceive additional confidence from the international community only 
forlooking for a way to allow opposition leader Sam Rainsy to return backto 

During today’s meeting with9 EU Mps who came to visit Cambodia for 3 days, 
starting from 18 March,the EU lawmakers raised about the fundamental issue of 
democracywhereby NA committees must include opposition voices, as well 
asrespect the freedom of expression etc… The EU lawmakers’ visit toCambodia at 
this time is to seek up to date information on the variousevolution of 
Cambodia’s politics and economics.

However, as soonas the EU MPs were done raising this issue, Sek Bun Hok, a CPP 
MP anddeputy chairman of the NA law and justice committee, pushed the 
EUlawmakers to seek actual truth in Cambodia.

Sek Bun Hok pointedout that Sam Rainsy’s case is purely a legal case. Sam 
Rainsy committeda crime (uprooting border stakes) and violated the law, Sek Bun 
Hokclaimed, therefore, the NA lifted his immunity and the lawsuit againstSam 
Rainsy is merely the application of the Cambodian law.

Oppositionleader Sam Rainsy who is currently in France will face arrest 
andjailing should he return back to Cambodia. He was sentenced by thecourt to 
2-year of jail time for uprooting border stakes along theCambodian-Vietnamese 

In a separate meeting with SRP MPsin the afternoon of 18 March 2010, the EU 
delegates indicated that thepresence of opposition leader Sam Rainsy is truly 
important for theupcoming 2013 general election.

However, CPP MP Cheam Yiepindicated that Cambodia does not lack Sam Rainsy nor 
democracy. Evenwithout Sam Rainsy, Cambodia can still ratify laws as usual.

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