On May 9, 7:00 am, Pheng Kim Ving <phengkimvi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> If Vietnam has a "grand plan" to absorb Cambodia, I'm wondering why it
> withdrew its troops completely from Cambodia in 1989. It won the war

You get it wrong here. Vietnamese did not just win the war. Some
Cambodians came along with them fighting to win the war. Beside,
inside Cambodians made it worse for Vietnamese and some Cambodians to
walk through Cambodia in just a few days.

> over Cambodia. Therefore it has the right to occupy Cambodia as long
> as it wants to. Now 66 years have passed since the end of WW2. Yet the
> United States troops still occupy Germany and Japan. The Soviet Union
> has annexed several Japanese islands. It, and now Russia as it has
> become, has never returned those islands to Japan, despite the
> numerous demands by Japan. Also 44 years have passed since the 1967
> Isreali-Arab war. Yet Isreal still occupies lands of many Arab
> countries.

That means that those countries do things for the interest of their
own country.
Cambodia is just the opposite of that. They are doing things to
destroy their own country so others can invade Cambodia more easily.
Cambodians only know how to fight each other in their own country.
They even bring other nations to help them fight their own people in
their own country. Look at the history yourself. Don't just believe in
what i am saying.

> You blame the "killing fields" on Vietnam. Thus you must be a Khmer
> Rouge. What, you're not a Khmer Rouge?? Then be aware of this: I've
> said 1,000 times already many things some of which are as follows:

Cambodians cannot face the fact that they are doing it to their own
country with their own hands.

> - if it's true that you chop the heads of each other because
> foreigners told you to do so, then you're the most silly race on
> earth,

You are obsolutely right. Unfortunately, they kept coming back saying
the same thing repeatedly.
What they are doing is to convince people to believe that Vietnamese
are evil race, Cambodians are great. They are also trying to connect
CPP and Hun Sen to Vietnamess as Sam Rainsy has been trying to do.
I ask this question:" If those Cambodians cooperate with Vietnamese as
accuse, they must be very stupid." repreatedly.
Please reread the above quote. It would come to the same conlcusion as

> - if it's not true, then your blame shows that you don't take
> responsibilities for what you do, you blame other nations for what you
> do, so what level of intelligence do you think other nations think
> you're at??

Thank you

> - blaming other nations for your mass-murdering of your own people by
> your very own hands send a wrong message to new generations of your
> people that it's ok to mass-murder their own people, it's ok to do so,
> because they woudn't be responsible, it's the foreigners that would be
> responsible,
> - blaming Vietnam for the genocide of the Cambodian people executed by
> the KHMER Rouge amounts to declaring that Vietnam could command the
> Khmer government to commit a genocide against its own people, thus
> implying that the
> Vietnamese are smart and the Khmers are idiotic, or at least that the
> Vietnamese
> are superior than the Khmers,
> - the Khmer Rouge barbarically atrociously mass-tortured and mass-
> murdered the Cambodian people out of their hatred against the
> Cambodian people, not by order from any other country.
> Now, as for the Vietnamese immigration in Cambodia, if there are too
> many Vietnamese in Cambodia, then it's the fault of the Cambodian
> government. The Cambodian government can restrict and even stop
> Vietnamese immigration. Those Vietnamese immigrants simply want a
> better life. Just like you, if you live in the West. If you blame
> them, then be willing to accept "happily" the demand of the KKK and
> the White Supremacists that you go back to where you came from,
> d'ohh!!
> There has always been Vietnamese immigration to Cambodia since who
> knows when. That's because Cambodia, compared to Vietnam, is a very
> fertile ground: teukk mean trey dey mean chee. That's an expression I
> heard, not in Cambodia, but in Vietnam, when I was there. Yeah Yeah
> it's just like that, in Khmer words, not in Vietnamese translated to
> Khmer. There have always been Vietnamese ethnics living in Cambodia,
> despite the hatred and the oppression they suffer.
> All Right. I don't support a too much Vietnamese immigration in
> Cambodia. I simply point out that the solution to this problem, if
> indeed there are too many Vietnamese immigrants in Cambodia like you
> complain, rests with the Cambodian government.
> All in all, don't blame others for what you do or don't do. Take
> responsibilities of what you, as an adult, do or don't do. Isn't that
> the most obvious aspect of life in the entire world, across nations
> and across cultures??
> On May 4, 6:52 pm, Chetrasena <sdokkokt...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > It is true Vietnam is meddling Cambodian's affair with their grand
> > plan to absorb this country into their orbit of Indo-China
> > Federation.All khmers are talking and thinking that way.It took
> > Vietnam more than four decades and costed about thousand of Vietnamese
> > lives to take Cambodia in various scheme. War, killing field then
> > invade as Chandler stated that the unwanted friend became a
> > savior .Today the kingdom has 14million among whom are nearly 40% of
> > Vietnameses and about 2015 the number will be doubled.The kingdom of
> > Cambodia is a Vietnam's businesses, not a Cambodian's business. There
> > is a frequent visit from Vietnamese leaders to the kingdom as a sing
> > of supreme ship and help boosting support to their compatriots who
> > live and work in Cambodia. No other country in the world does
> > that.Yes, in deed there is a sentiment of growing disatisfaction
> > toward Vietnamese settlers in the kingdom too, but the power is in
> > Vietnamese hand via ther proxy ruling party.In public and media are
> > trying to khmerize too through two institutions, monarchy and
> > Buddhism. Historical speaking the giving up of Vietnamese occupation
> > is a democratic ruling in Vietnam not a communist regime.Again, the
> > Vietnamese in side Cambodia is bearing a special priviledge and not
> > under Cambodian's jurisdiction, this is a treaties of friendship
> > between the two countries. That why Cambodian is blaming Vietnamese.
> > On May 3, 7:24 pm, kangaroo <therabbitn...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > > As I have said, Cambodians cannot accept their own responsibility for
> > > whatever they have done to their own country. Instead, they blame
> > > Vietnamese for influencing Cambodians to do whatever they have been
> > > saying.
> > > What kind of people are they?
> > > Judge it for yourself.- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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