---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kem Kang <nobby...@bigpond.com>
Date: 2014-07-21 8:11 GMT-04:00
Subject: USA now "paper tiger"?
To: Khmer Srâlanh Khmer <khmer.sralanh.kh...@gmail.com>
Cc: justin sok <justice2kh...@yahoo.com>, cnrpwo...@googlegroups.com,
samrainsyparty....@gmail.com, kemso...@yahoo.com, yimsov...@gmail.com,
soch...@gmail.com, sonch...@yahoo.com, Tevy <t...@exemail.com.au>, Dara
Kang <dara.k...@bigpond.com>, Ra TUM <mora...@yahoo.com>, Kem Kang <
kem.k...@hotmail.com>, aileen.kang...@gmail.com

 Dear Compatriots,

Thank you so much for the messages.  I still remember the following:

Mao Tse Tung used to call America “Paper Tiger” long time ago. I think he
was not too far off the track.

America lost the Vietnam War, ran away left piles of all the war equipment
for the Viet to kill us.

Ho Chi Minh trail authorized by our former head of state N. Sihanouk, saved
Vietnam from complete extinction from USA bombing raids day and night, but
instead, destroyed Cambodia, our dearest Nation. Our nation is now totally
invaded by the Viet.

America learned a very bitter lesson from the Vietnam War and never want to
even think of it again. They still suffer from frightening nightmares most
of the time. Their ears are all deft to our complaints.

We, Cambodians, are still suffering from this war because our great
powerful master was very shamefully defeated by the Viets. I often asked
myself what can we expect from the America?  Another defeat like our Master
has had?

I am just an ordinary Khmer citizen. Never been serving as a high ranking
official and always love my job as a simple medical practitioner.

I saw our former King’s mistakes by embracing the Former Premier Chou Eng
Lay of (Communist) China during his visit to Cambodia. He then solemnly
pronounced in his speech that “ five hundred millions of Chinese population
(at that time) will be backing Cambodia until the end...No worries etc..

*Yes! It was true! They are backing “behind us all the time “ never dare to
come out and help us to survive but more and more killing only for their
own interest....*

This is the *extremely bitter inheritance* from our *Monarchy of Chey Yo!
Samdach Euo !!!Samdach Mae!!! Samdach Ta!!!...... Ta Tuout !!!!*

Sorry to say that. But it is not my cup of tea. I am a pure Republican
because Our Country belongs to all of us. Our kings signed and gave away
Khmer Krom to the Viet, starting from the king’s concubine name Co Chinh of
Cochinchine ... to the recent Koh Trall etc...

*Lauk Prothean Sam Rainsy* is doing the right thing. He has to, for the
moment, respect the Cambodian Constitution which was written that *CAMBODIA

I still think very high of him.  He should be the one whom we all are
looking for or waiting for to save our Nation.

With all the very best from all of us,

Kang Kem,(MD) & Friends OZ

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