Business as usual with Cambodia
by Professor Gaffar Peang-Meth, Ph.D.

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From: Gaffar Peang-Meth <>
Date: Sat, Dec 5, 2015 at 8:43 AM
Subject: Business as usual with Cambodia

Business as usual with Cambodia
Gaffar Peang-Meth 10:56 p.m. ChST December 5, 2015
[image: 635847138520842898-peang-meth.jpeg]

Peang-Meth(Photo: PDN file)

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen, feeling the pressure of growing
opposition to his long rule, announced in mid-November that if the leader
of the opposition Cambodian National Rescue Party Sam Rainsy returned to
Cambodia from a trip abroad, he would be arrested.

Rainsy’s decision to delay his return to Phnom Penh after having made a
declaration that he “absolutely” would return to Cambodia “to save our
country” and that “Even if I die, it doesn’t matter, I will die as a
Khmer,” has been used by Prime Minister Hun Sen and the ruling Cambodian
People’s Party to paint Rainsy as an untrustworthy demagogue who should be
disregarded by voters before the communal and national elections in 2017
and 2018.

In a column on Nov. 20, I gave Rainsy an A-plus for his courage, but I
expressed my fear of his being bloodied senseless, even at the airport, by
Hun Sen’s goons, who previously beat and kicked two opposition lawmakers in
plain sight in front of the National Assembly while police looked on. A
physically injured Rainsy might not be able to lead the struggle

*Useless dead heroes *

I recalled in the article the controversial political guideline I attached
to the Armed Political Propaganda and Clandestine Operations units I
created in the course of military resistance operations in Cambodia in 1987
— “Dead heroes are useless. Stay alive to fight another day.” I was
actually sailing against the current then, as conventional training taught
men to fight to the last drop of blood.

The don’t-be-dead-heroes guideline became a topic of discussion among
Khmers in the country and abroad.

While my article last month received favorable responses, a variety of
opinions are posted on the Internet.

Since my departure from active service in the noncommunist resistance in
1989, I have not been affiliated with any political party. Still, I have
not hidden my political preferences. I dislike oppression of any kind.

*Death not the worst *

I find it strange that many critics of Rainsy are Hun Sen’s antagonists.
Rainsy is a “coward” some say, and lacks the courage to face “only a
two-year jail term”; Rainsy “needs to return to Cambodia (where) 10 million
Rainsys are behind him”; Rainsy broke his promise to his “1.8 million
Facebook fans” (as if they are robots unable to think differently?), etc.

Am I actually witnessing Hun Sen’s “willing executioners”? One remark
rattled me: “Dying for freedom or going to jail isn’t the worst that could
happen. Running away from followers is.”

I was reminded of America’s founding father, Patrick Henry, a lawyer and a
planter, who made an unforgettable speech in 1775 in Virginia, advocating
mobilization for military action against the advancing British troops: “Is
life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains
and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may
take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!

The 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence of the United States knew
they were committing treason against the British Crown: five were captured
and tortured as traitors; nine died from wounds and hardships; two lost
their sons who served in the Continental Army; two had their sons captured;
12 had their homes pillaged and burned.

I reflect on how words come so very easily when one lives in an
air-conditioned home and never faces death or jail for his or her political
beliefs, and thank heaven for giving me the honor and the privilege to
serve with many in the resistance for nine years yet to have lived to fight
again today against oppression.

*More than one way *

One reason Hun Sen remains in power is because the international community
continues “business as usual” with the regime. Nations will continue to
passively support the Hun Sen regime until an organic Cambodian movement
foments necessary political change.

I’ve previously referenced the documentary film, “Cyber-democracy:
Cambodia, Kafka’s Kingdom” by award-winning filmmaker Ellen Grant. The film
is a potent tool in the fight to unseat Hun Sen. Please share it widely
among like-minded persons and organizations.

Though the film is being submitted to international festivals, limiting its
circulation, a short English version of the film titled “Cambodia online:
Cyber-democracy at Risk” is available here <>.
The video has been broadcast by the Weekly Roundup of the Asian Human
Rights Commission and can be seen here <>, using
the password: Cambodia. Meanwhile, the documentary in the Khmer language is
available on YouTube

As the great Irish statesman Edmund Burke once said, “The only thing
necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

*Gaffar **Peang-Meth**, **Ph.D**., former deputy chief of general staff of
the Khmer People’s National Liberation Armed Forces, taught political
science at the University of Guam for 13 years. Retired in 2004, he now
lives in the U.S. mainland. He can be reached at **peangmeth**@**


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