*Letter to Robert G. Luna, Chief of Police; LBPD Media Relations, Long
Beach Police Department. From: Bo K.S. Uce, JD, a LB resident*

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Bo Uce <boks...@gmail.com>
> Date: Mon, Apr 4, 2016 at 1:34 PM
> Subject: To: Robert G. Luna, Chief of Police; LBPD Media Relations, Long
> Beach Police Department. From: Bo K.S. Uce, JD, a LB resident. Re: the
> CAM-CC's 2016 Cambodian New Year Parade
> To: lbpdmediarelati...@longbeach.gov
> *Monday, April 4th, 2016*
> *Robert G. Luna, Chief of Police*
> *Office of the Chief of Police*
> *Long Beach Police Department, Public Safety Building*
> *400 W. Broadway, Long Beach, CA 90802*
> *Business Desk Inquiries      (562)570-7260 <%28562%29570-7260>*
> *Police Dispatch             (562)435-6711 <%28562%29435-6711> *
> *Life Threatening Situation   9-1-1*
> *Media Relations Detail       (562)570-5273 <%28562%29570-5273>*
> *Email:                     lbpdmediarelati...@longbeach.gov
> <lbpdmediarelati...@longbeach.gov>*
> *Cc**:   Barack H. Obama, the President of the United States   *
> *      John Kerry, the Secretary of State of the United           States*
> *      James R. Clapper, the Director of National
> Intelligence*
> *John O. Brennan, the Chief of Central Intelligence         Agency (CIA)*
> *James Comey, the Chief of Federal Bureau of                 Investigation
> (FBI)*
> *Robert Garcia, Honorable Mayor of Long Beach; City Councils; residents *
> *The great American people*
> *Re**:   the CAM-CC’s 2016 Cambodian New Year Parade along the Anaheim
> corridor*
> *Dear Chief of Police Luna:*
> *Sir. Lt. Gen. Hun Manet is one of the sons of Hun Sen the dictator, who’s
> ruled abysmally impoverished and irredeemably corrupt and polarized Kingdom
> of Cambodia with an iron fist. His Communist-styled Cambodian People’s
> Party (CPP) delegation’s physical presents in Long Beach will certainly
> bring ire and discord to us, the Khmer-Americans in the United States and
> to Khmer expatriates around the globe. Hun Sen and his henchmen will most
> likely hire gangs and thugs to wreak havoc in our beloved Long Beach City
> during the 2016 Khmer New Year Parade along the Anaheim corridor, and they
> have already caused bitterness and petrifaction to the Khmer-American
> communities. Hun Sen is synonymous to nightmares. His name alone triggers
> PTSD among the victimized Khmer-Americans who’d survived the horrific and
> sardonic communist Khmer Rouges’ “Killing Fields [1975-1979]”: famine,
> harsh labors, tortures, imprisonments, indoctrination, purges, and murders.
> *
> *Mr. Richer San and the Board of Directors of Cambodian Coordinating
> Councils (CAM-CC) should have foreseen such disharmony, and they should be
> more sensitive to our human tragedy. Lt. Gen. Hun Manet and his delegation
> should never be invited by CAM-CC and its affiliates to participate
> directly or indirectly in the Cambodian New Year Parade. Our noble and
> beloved mother-Cambodia, with her rich civilization and her distinct
> culture and traditions, should be absolutely free from the yoke of
> protracted tyranny. Here are a few legitimate reasons: *
> *Mr. Meach Sovannara is a US citizen. He was falsely accused of and
> hastily charged with a crime of “insurrection [Koupparkarmm],” the crime
> that he’s never committed, by Hun Sen’s “Kangaroo court.” Mr. Sovannara was
> arbitrarily sentenced to 20 years in notorious Prey-Sar Prison. Life has
> been unbearable for him and his family. Raem’Jborng Sovannara is a victim
> of serious human rights abuses. His wife and three beautiful and young
> daughters live in Long Beach, CA. They’ve suffered economically and
> emotionally. Please do not be indifferent to their pain and suffering, and
> despair. Two of their daughters were the natural-born Americans.*
> *H.E. Nhay Chamroeun, a CNRP lawmaker, is another US citizen. On Monday,
> October 26th, 2015, he was severely beaten- and on the verge of death- in
> broad daylight in front of the National Assembly in Phnom Pench, the
> capital city of Cambodia, by hired thugs and allegedly by Hun Sen’s
> bodyguards: Mr. Chay Sarith, Mao Hoeun, Mr. Soth Vanny, and others. Hun Sen
> has no respect for Americans and American citizens. And. He punks us with a
> smirk.*
> *Our eternal Khmer heroes, such as Chudt Vudthy our beloved forest
> conservator, and Chea Vichea the audacious union leader, were shot to
> death, point blank.*
> *Our eternal heroines, such as Pisith Pilika and Touch Sreynich, were also
> shot point blank. Pisith Pilika was an absolute pulchritude. She was the
> nationally well-known Khmer classical dance instructor and movie star. It’s
> strongly alleged that Hun Sen fell in love with her, and he took her as his
> mistress. However, she was a married woman. It wasn’t a problem for “strong
> Man” Hun Sen with infidelity. She was later murdered. Her death isn’t a
> mystery. *
> *Touch Sreynich was the nationally famous singer, and she is veritably
> beautiful. She was shot point-blank also, she but survives. Now, she is
> permanently disabled. *
> *Perfunctory investigations had been made. Their mournful demises have not
> been unraveled. For, justice in Hun Sen’s Cambodia is blinded.*
> *Hun Sen’s crimes against humanity are too numerous to list because he’s
> committed these horrid atrocities for more than 40 years with impunity.
> And. The entire world, including the United Nations, and the 18-Nation
> signatories (the United States of America is one of the 18 Nations) on the
> 1991 Paris Accord Agreement, have given this recidivistic evil lip-service
> reprimands. Hun Sen is an abomination to this Universe. He’s continued to
> cause us- the insufferable but resilient Khmer people- to continue to
> mindlessly trot through the gauntlet of life.  *
> *Hun Sen, to most Cambodians in Kingdom of Cambodia and abroad, is the
> ruthless but myopic and pusillanimous leader. It is strongly alleged that
> Hun Sen is the former sardonic and atheistic communist Khmer Rouges’
> commander of the Eastern Zone under the deceased Comrade So Phim.*
> *By speaking up against such blatant injustice, my family members and I
> will not be safe from Hun Sen’s anticipated retributions. This craven
> tyrant, who’s picked on his own people but as a quisling kowtowed to our
> belligerent neighbor, has amassed great wealth and power and privilege that
> he’s shamelessly robbed from an already pauperous people (due to wars and
> atrocities and foreign invasions) via corruptions and nepotism and rigged
> elections, in order to silent us. As a black belt, I fear no man, but I
> respect all mankind and cherish humanity. However, I will not perish from
> this unmerciful world like Tavarizch [comrade] Leon Trotsky who was
> murdered by Josef Stalin the Bolshevik, via the communist-style. Hun Sen
> understands the art of bloodshed very well. And. He’s practiced it best to
> get rid of his foes, real or presumed. *
> *Please deter any potential bloodshed of the innocents in America- the
> Land of the Free and the Home of the Braves- by Hun Sen and his henchmen,
> the thugs.*
> *DEMOCRACY IS SACRED. We the Khmer-Americans unequivocally believe that
> the United States of America is the Light for Democracy and the Beacon of
> Hope for freedom and justice and human rights. Please do not permit this
> former Commikatze to prostitute Democracy and spread his dark and ghoulish
> humors and influences in the USA. *
> *Thank you truly, Chief, for keeping our beautiful City of Long Beach safe
> and sound. We respect you, and we appreciate your hard works.*
> *PLEASE NOTE**: this letter will be disseminated to the Cambodian
> communities around the world, and to other news media, such as Los Angeles
> Times, New York Times, the Washington Post, Voice of America, Radio Free
> Asia,… and to my classmate from Andover, John Berman, a senior news anchor
> at CNN.*
> *Sincerely yours,*
> *Bo K.S. Uce [signed]*
> *Bo Khaem Sokhamm Uce, Juris Doctor*
> *A concerned US citizen *
> *E-mail: boks...@gmail.com <boks...@gmail.com>*
> *Bo K.S. Uce is a survivor of the sadistic communist Khmer Rouge’s
> “Killing Fields.” He’d lived in various orphanages and Khao-I-Dang Refugee
> Camp. Mr. Uce attended Phillips Andover Academy, graduated from Dartmouth
> College and Pacific Coast University School. He’s married to his gorgeous
> wife and have two adorable daughters.*

Best Regards,

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