By Lee Morgenbesser February 24 at 8:00 AM

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, left, toasts champagne with Cambodian
Prime Minister Hun Sen, right, during a signing ceremony at the Peace
Palace in Phnom Penh in 2016. (Tang Chhin Sothy/Agence France-Presse via
Getty Images)

On Monday, Cambodia’s National Assembly passed 22 amendments to the
country’s Law on Political Parties. The law was pushed by Prime Minister
Hun Sen, who has been in power since 1985, and his Cambodian People’s
Party. Although the revised law still requires a rubber stamp endorsement
from the Senate, Constitution Council and King Norodom Sihamoni, its
consequences are likely to be dramatic.

The revised law would allow the Supreme Court and the Interior Ministry to
suspend and dissolve political parties for the ambiguous offenses of
causing “incitement that would lead to national disintegration” and
“subverting liberal multi-party democracy.” The target is the main
opposition party, the Cambodia National Rescue Party.

One amendment bars individuals with convictions and non-suspended prison
sentences from serving as party leaders. This is especially problematic for
Sam Rainsy, who lives in exile in Paris and resigned as president of the
Cambodia National Rescue Party last week in anticipation of the revised
law, and Kem Sokha, now the acting party president. Together they have been
subject to a raft of politically motivated criminal convictions, including
defamation, incitement, and the procurement of prostitution. Rainsy
<> took to Twitter
to decry how “The [international] community must address the fact that they
paid for a democratic system which is now lurching towards a one-party

An uncomfortable truth, however, is that Cambodia has never been a
democracy in any meaningful sense of the term. In his book Democracy and
the Market
the political scientist Adam Przeworski famously defined democracy as a
“system in which parties lose elections.” After nearly four decades in
power, the very continuity of the Cambodian People’s Party violates this
basic minimal standard.

So if Cambodia is not a democracy, what is it?

The amendments to the Law on Political Parties make this a particularly
salient question. Once implemented, they would affirm Cambodia’s status as
an authoritarian regime and could lead Cambodia to a more troubling form of

Cambodia has long been
typical example of “competitive authoritarianism.” According to political
scientists Steven Levitsky and Lucan Way
this is a political regime where the incumbent deliberately dilutes the
capacity of opposition parties to win office, intentionally infringes upon
civil liberties, and regularly abuses state resources to create an uneven
playing field.

The dissolution of the Cambodia National Rescue Party, however, would shift
Cambodia from “competitive” to “hegemonic authoritarianism.” This is a
regime where the incumbent legally bars opposition parties from existing,
violates basic civil liberties through the use of overt repression and
monopolizes access to resources, media, and the law. By sidelining the
Cambodia National Rescue Party, along with dozens of other peripheral
parties, elections will become known for nothing more than manipulation,
misconduct and a lack of competition.

What would this say about the role of Hun Sen and the Cambodian People’s
Party? Authoritarian regimes are often distinguished
whether an individual, dominant party, military junta or royal family
dominates. Until now, Cambodia has been a party-based regime, with the
Cambodian People’s Party being preeminent.

In a recently published article
however, I provide new evidence that Hun Sen has usurped additional power
at the expense of his own party. He has acted as a gatekeeper for political
positions, appointed his relatives, created a paramilitary group,
controlled the security apparatus, managed membership of the party
executive, and exercised a monopoly on decision-making.

Hun Sen’s increasing power is crucial for understanding the sudden move to
eliminate the Cambodia National Rescue Party. Hun Sen requested the changes
to the Law on Political Parties and took aim at Rainsy during a recent
saying: “I request to make a change on this [law] to make him lose all
rights.” This strongly suggests that Cambodia’s Supreme Court and Interior
Ministry will not read or enforce this law impartially. Instead, Cambodia’s
slide deeper into authoritarianism will continue.

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