Hi there:

Regarding adapting helical mounts: Here are two thoughts:

1) I have an old Glunz 6x9 plate camera, with ground glass focusing back and a Hansa 
Venus roll film back for 6x9 on 120; has a great old 105 Tessar in a Dresden Compur; 
works like a charm and sharp as a tack. Some time ago, shortly after
getting the Glunz, and not yet being very familiar with the old plate cameras, I 
bought an Agfa Standard 6x9, thinking to augment the system; I thought that perhaps I 
could fashion a different lens mount for the Agfa or the Glunz so as to
interchange lenses. It turns out that the Agfa Standard does not have a focusing track 
(the Glunz does). You bring the lens out to the infinity stops, and it has a helical 
mount which moves the entire lens forward or back.

The camera body was in great shape, but the lens was hazy and the shutter has limited 
speeds, so I took the lens out and put a 65mm Mamiya wide field in it. This worked 
fine, fit like a glove, but a) I couldn't lock the front standard down
securely enough for my liking (the whole lens could slide on the track), and b) with 
the front element of the lens as big as it is, I couldn't shut the front door (drop 
bed) on the camera! But I was able to find that the helical mount works
great -- probably similarly to how it works on the Mamiya Press. It just moves the 
entire lens forward and backward.

I concluded that so long as the rear element of the lens clears the back of the 
helical mount and you've got a good fit between rear of shutter and mount, you're in 
business. All you need to be able to do is move the whole lens forward and
backward while locking down the front standard.

I too considered building a box for the lens and mount combination but lack of 
covering power of the lens coupled with a preference for another way to go caused me 
to drop the idea.

2) The second thought: Sounds like you have a great system already set up! Linhof 2x3 
with a 58mm Super Angulon -- the setup makes me drool!

Right now I'm almost finished restoring a junker B&J 4x5 Press, and am also 
reconstructing from various pieces, one Crown Graphic 4x5, for use with various 
lenses, including wide field, to shoot on 6x9 and/or 4x5. My plan is to use ground 
focusing, but it occurs to me that you could make a focusing scale, or scales for 
different lenses, to mount on your Linhof for zone focusing. It would take some 
initial leg-work in testing focus at various distances on the ground glass, but
could save you lots of time and work in the long run. A little study of depth of field 
scales and hyperfocal distances, zone focus scale, and you've got it made.

Hope this helps.

Regards to all,
'Bye for now,


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