Hello Cameramakers annd Richard Knoppow,

I have a 2 questions regarding establishing F-stops on a lens.  First,
I'm looking for suggestions on how to determine the stop settings on a
lens of known focal length, having an iris with no markings. This came
up a while back and Richard, I think I remember what you said which is
scary for me, but here goes.  I think I recall that the "compression"
effect of having the iris between the groups could be worked out by
putting a point source well behind the lens, and a groundglass as close
as possible to the front of the lens, then measuring the dimeter of the
illuminated circle on the groundglass.  Did I get that right?  In other
words, on a 160mm lens, a circle diameter of 10mm would indicate the f16
setting and so on.  I also remember less well some suggestions using
light meters.  I would appreciate comments on this problem.

The second problem is a lens that has no iris at all, and no practical
way to install one.  I have a big iris that will fit on either the back
or the front of the lens.  I am pretty certain installing the iris this
way will cost me a lot of coverage, but on this lens I may have it to
spare.  Would the stops in that case be just the aperture divided by the
focal length?

Gene Johnson
Cameramakers mailing list

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