I currently have a Kodak anastigmat special 127mm lens
from an old 616 camera.  Does anyone have any
experience in using this lens in a 4x5 camera?  I have
read a number of places where it should cover 4x5 with
little or no movement but I have not found any first
hand experience from someone who has actually used one
on a 4x5 camera.  I am looking to place it on a box
style camera using a 4x5 back and focusing on a ground
glass with the build in front lens focus (no bellows).
   The lack of movement will not be an issue, but I am
unsure as to the quality and coverage in the corners. 
As I mentioned it is reported to be a good lens at
generally used distances and f-stops in the 2.5 by
4.25 format.

If anyone has used this lens and can fill me in, it
would be appreciated.

Thank you.

Richard E. Adams

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