I saw a listing on eBay once, I think from Switzerland, for an Aero-Ektar
610 mm f/6 lens and he was quoting from supposed specs, and the resolution
was quite high, or so it seemed to me. If I recall he then went on claiming
how wonderful the color was. He had it mounted on some kind of view camera,
but I don't remember it being bigger than 4x5...maybe I'm wrong.

All I know is if the shutter was still on it it would probably only fit on a
monster process camera...the lens board has to be big.

I was surprised at claims the color prints were magnificent. Eastman House
says this is one of the definitely radioactive lenses and if someone doesn't
see radiation "browning" they're not checking for it. Same for the 305/309
mm f/2.5 cousins.

So there's an alleged photographer with this lens.

Apparently the 178 f/2.5 isn't radioactive.

White paper behind the lens is supposed to reveal discoloration.

I have a 60's edition of a Photogrammetry manual that discusses the
theoretical resolution of the Metrogon lens at 230 l/mm, but that in
practice it is actually much lower. I hope I'm wrong, but I seem to remember
less confidently a number like 30 l/mm, and possibly not from the same book
(could have been an Internet pseudo-reference).


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