One further word should be added; measure the distance from one of the flange surfaces to the iris. The iris should be at a particular location relative to the glass and you should try to reproduce this with reasonable accuracy. Because of the standardization mentioned below and a tendency to make barrels to dimensions like those of shutters, you often will have little trouble, but sometimes life will be harder!


At 12:42 16.12.02 -0800, you wrote:
Regarding the mounting of lenses into new shutters, here's what I've
managed in the past:

I take a caliper measurement of the front-to-back distance of the lens
in its original mounting, whether that's a barrel or shutter.

Then when I try it in the new shutter I make the same measurement, front
to back. If it's the same, then I know the spacing is the same in both

I've had this work beautifully with two different older Schneider Symmar
Convertibles -- the 300/500 and the 240/420. I mounted the 300/500 into
an old Compound shutter, which incidentally (and luckily!) came to me
with a dual aperture scale that worked out perfectly; and I mounted the
240/420 into an old Compur shutter from which I had removed the elements
to an ancient Xenar. They both fit perfectly with no shims required.

My understanding is also that if you get lenses made after about the
1950s to 1960s, and shutters made during that same period, you'll find
the going pretty easy. Manufacturers apparently started standardizing
their shutter sizes around that time, and the lenses from that time on
were made to fit these shutters.

On the other hand, if you're mounting older process camera lenses, it
might be a bit of a crap shoot; I haven't had any luck at all with these
so far. Seems that you have to have adapter tubes or flanges made or
whatnot. But then again, on eBay I've seen plenty of later process
camera lenses mounted in late model shutters, so I might be wrong about
the newer ones. But the older process lenses that I have don't fit the
older shutters I have.

Hope this helps.

'Bye for now,

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