
Thanks for your feedback.
(See inline comment below.)

At 08:40 am 17-09-2001 -0700, you wrote:
This is a really neat tool.  Great job.  Just one problem...

When do a File|New and locate the Struts Example, the program loads fine.
But when I try it on my own project, I get:

"Parsing Error - Failed to parse JSP Page 'C:\path\to\project\myPage.jsp'."

Could you send me the jsp file which caused the problem?

Any suggestions on finding out exactly what those six errors are?  After
this error, JSP Pages don't list with the Actions and Form Beans.

Currently, Camino stops processing the rest of the stuff when it encounters errors. No very nice, isn't it? We'll look into this.

By the way, isn't the term "JSP Pages" redundant?

Good catch! What a bad habit.... ;-)

p.s. I have cross-post this message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

John Yu                       Scioworks Technologies
e: [EMAIL PROTECTED]         w: +(65) 873 5989
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