
We've done some change in Build-011018 to display more error messages regarding the "Error pre-processing JSP" you encountered. You may want to download the new build and give it a try.


At 08:21 am 16-10-2001 -0700, you wrote:
Hi John,
Thanks for this feedback. Yes, if I prefix our html:links with a '/' then these error messages
do not occur - the paths in struts-config.xml all have this '/' prefix. Note that our links work fine.
I noticed a couple of other problems. One is that no forms were generated when I used the
class gnerator. As a result, I tried converting the JSPs, but once I did this, I observed the following
error message for every converted JSP:
Error pre-processing JSP
-----Original Message-----
From: John Yu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, October 15, 2001 9:06 PM
Subject: Re: Camino 1.0 beta2 error link target errors

At 09:27 am 15-10-2001 -0700, you wrote:

I have just taken a look at the new beta2 version of Camino.

Working with a pre-existing Struts project, it is now much more
robust in the face of JSP parsing errors - and we have quite a few
as we work with a fairly 'lenient' JSP container.

Good to hear this.

I have noticed a lot of error messages of the following type in Camino's
GUI's lower window however:

/addressListEdit.jsp: <html:link> target '' is not found.

What is the significance of such errors?

These are warnings.

It means, in addressListEdit.jsp, the target "" is not found in struts-config.xml. Camino will still maintain this value in the <html:link> tag intact. The only implication is Camino cannot draw the path on the Storyboard as it doesn't know which Action the <html:link> is referring to.

If your struts-config.xml does have a '/' action, it's likely the URL in <html:link> is missing a leading slash ('/'). (Camino assumes Struts always requires the leading slash. Please let me know if it is a wrong assumption.)

To correct the problem, you can modify the JSPs outside Camino and then ask Camino to do a reload.

(NB error reporting, etc., would be easier if I could copy & paste from this

This is a good idea. We will incorporate this capability in future release.

John Yu                       Scioworks Technologies
e: [EMAIL PROTECTED]         w: +(65) 873 5989
w: m: +(65) 9782 9610

John Yu                       Scioworks Technologies
e: [EMAIL PROTECTED]         w: +(65) 873 5989
w:  m: +(65) 9782 9610

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