3 quick questions:

Question 1

Why is it that a font specified in a web page  (CSS) displayed by  
Camino of Firefox and available on the system, isn't necessarily  

body {
        font-family:"ITC Leawood Std",Melior;

Both fonts are available on my system and in Safari i get Leawood, but  
i always get Melior in Mozilla browsers.


Question 2

Why is text within tags creating a different style displayed  
overlapping previous text?

This page describes the syntax of regular expressions in Perl. For a
description of how to <EM>use</EM> regular expressions in matching  
operations, plus various examples of the
same, see discussion of <A HREF="perlop.html#item_m">m//</A>, <A  

In this case, the word 'to' is overlapped by the word 'use' within the  
<em> tag, and 'of' is overlapped by 'm//' which is within the <a>.


Question 3

Why do i get some standard margin size when printing web page contents  
even though i've specified very small margins in Page Setup?

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