On Tue, May 27, 2008 at 1:48 PM, paulc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A while ago I found a small snippet of javascript that would set up
> my man browser window to some exact specs.
> [...]
> However, it seems that with 1.6/1.6.1, this is now broken. How come;
> I am curious because it works fine in the latest versions of Safari &
> Firefox.

The "Prevent sites from changing, moving or resizing windows" pref
defaults to on starting in 1.6, and bookmarklets run in the page
context; you'll find that if you set the corresponding preference in
Firefox (under Advanced next to JavaScript in Content) it breaks there
as well.

You can either turn that pref off, or switch to using an
AppleScript-based toolbar button for Camino.

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