On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 01:14:57PM +0100, Gerd Stolpmann wrote:
> Am Dienstag, den 13.12.2011, 21:22 +0100 schrieb oliver:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > 
> > I again want to mention R.
> > 
> > The installation procdure for users is very easy.
> > What I also like there, is that the documentation
> > includes references to books, which explain the algorithms
> > or other background information.
> > Maybe thats too much of what is needed for OCaml.
> > 
> > But it's what I do like there.
> > 
> > Also R-packages necessarily need to be documented,
> > have a manpage / package description.
> > 
> > Not sure if this is necessary with OCaml stuff,
> > because *.mli files are there, and ocamlc -i could
> > print the interfaces of the modules, if nothing else is there
> > to rely on.
> > But maybe these kinds of minimalistic documentation-generation
> > could be created automatically by the installing tools.
> > 
> > Nicely printed html-docs for interfaces are very helpful.
> > 
> > And also nice would be, to have such nicely printed documentation
> > also available at the server, even before downloading any packages.
> > So, browsing a package documentation online could be done
> > before downloading the package.
> docs.camlcity.org

Yes, I see.
There are these nice htmlized-docs.

But I meant that this kind of docs also should also be on
a CPAN-like server for OCaml.
So every package that is available there should also be
documented in this way.


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