
  The OCaml manual states that executing bytecode program
with "./prog" and "ocamlrun ./prog" should give the same result
(in simple case, without options and environment modifications).
  However in my case the result is different: "./prog" executes
well, but "ocamlrun ./prog" gives
"Fatal error: unknown C primitive `unix_dup'".

  But I have no good minimal case (other small unix.cma-dependent
programs run fine both ways), and I can't show the full sources due
to my contract with employer.
  I suspect this issue can give me additional headache in the future,
so I prefer to solve it now.

  How can I find the source of this problem?

  What I have checked for now:
- host OS is linux (gentoo, fresh enough)
- the host contains (and contained ever) only one OCaml installation
  (3.11.2), and I can't install more recent OCaml versions
  system-wide (and I want this program to work under system-wide
  3.11.2 anywhere)
- ocaml toplevel doesn't fail on "#load "unix.cma"" and on calls to
  functions of Unix module
- this system doesn't provide ocamlobjinfo, so I can't read its output
- the program is built with ocamlbuild, without custom myocamlbuild.ml
  and other C-specific options, however some libraries may use
  C bindings (I'll check this if it is important)
- I've tried to set environment variable LD_DEBUG=libs and run
  both cases: "ocamlrun ./prog" output is pasted to
  http://paste.in.ua/3499/raw/ , "./prog" output is pasted to
  http://paste.in.ua/3500/raw/ , but I don't understand where
  the problem is, even after meditation on these logs

  What should I do to diagnose this problem?

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