
2012/3/9 Daniel Bünzli <daniel.buen...@erratique.ch>:
> Le jeudi, 8 mars 2012 à 22:27, Sylvain Le Gall a écrit :
>> Let say that if you just use $htmldir, it will help whatever packaging
>> system that cooperate with oasis to enforce it in the future.
> In fact it is possible to not say anything at all, just don't mention 
> InstallDir, oasis doesn't complain. That allows to abstract away the 
> document's final destination and let the underlying body of code that 
> installs choose what's best. So that's what I have :
> Document "reference"
>  Title: "Xmlm's documentation and module reference"
>  Format: html
>  Index: Xmlm.html
>  Install: true
>  DataFiles: doc/*.html, doc/*.css
> Document "distribution"
>  Title: "Xmlm's distribution information files"
>  Install: true
> Maybe a kind of enumerated Kind: field could give more information about the 
> nature of the documents. That said, oasis still seems to be a little bit 
> schizophrenic about installation: on one hand it shouldn't install, on the 
> other hand it seems to offer fields to perform installation duties.

I am probably off-topic, because I don't understand by what you mean
by "on one hand it shouldn't install, on the other hand it seems to
offer fields to perform installation duties." ?

It should install, if that is not installing, that is a bug (the
Static plugin I told would solve that). But maybe what you miss here,
is that it is meant to build documentation. E.g setting "Type:
ocamlbuild" + a couple of field to tell that your doc will be
extracted from some libraries/module and build using ocamldoc +

 Document "api-ounit"
    Title:       API reference for OUnit
    Type:        ocamlbuild (0.2)
    BuildTools+: ocamldoc
    XOCamlbuildLibraries: oUnit
    XOCamlbuildPath:      src/


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