On Mar13, 2012, at 11:49 , Gabriel Cardoso wrote:

> Dear list, 
> I have empty arguments when using Arg.Tuple with references. This minimalist 
> example illustrates my problem :
> let f a b =
>  print_endline a;
>  print_endline b
> let s = ref ""
> let speclist = [(
>  "-a",
>  Arg.Tuple [
>    Arg.Set_string s;
>    Arg.String (f !s) (* !s is empty !!! *)

Here, the value of !s is empty when the (f !s) is evaluated…
you shoud pass the whole reference as argument :
Arg.String(f s)
let f a b = print_endline !a; print_endline b

>    (* Arg.String (fun ss -> f !s ss) (\* Works just fine ... why ? *\) *)

why ? because the !s is evaluated only later, when the anonymous function (fun 
ss ->…) is applied.

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