GADT come in really handy is when you have data structures that need existential
type variables.

A nice example is the case of lists of composable functions: say you want to
build a list containing functions f_i : A_i -> A_{i+1}

Without GADT

 One can get away cheating the type system and declaring the type

  type ('a,'b) cfl = ('a -> 'b) list;;

 which is really incorrect: 'a is the first input type, 'b is the last output
 type, and that's ok, but it is really not true that the list will contain
 functions of type 'a -> 'b ... 

 This shows up as soon as one tries to do something useful with this list, like
 adding one element at the bebinning: to keep the type checker happy, we call
 Obj.magic in for help

  let add (f: 'a -> 'b)  (fl : ('b,'c) cfl) : ('a,'c) cfl = 
   (Obj.magic f):: (Obj.magic fl);;

 And you will need Obj.magic's help in writing map, fold, compute, whatever...

 You may argue that if all the hectic primitives are well hidden behind a module
 signature, and the module programmer is very smart, all will be well, but
 that's ugly, isn't it?

Here is the elegant way of doing it using GADT

 Declare the type cfl of a composable function list as follows

  type ('a,'b) cfl = 
   Nilf: ('a,'a) cfl
  |Consf: ('a -> 'b) * ('b,'c) cfl -> ('a,'c) cfl;;

 Now you can write useful functions which are well typed

  let rec compute : type a b. a -> (a,b) cfl -> b = fun x -> 
  | Nilf -> x (* here 'a = 'b *)
  | Consf (f,rl) -> compute (f x) rl;;

 Try it... it works!

  let cl = Consf ((fun x -> Printf.sprintf "%d" x), Nilf);;
  let cl' = Consf ((fun x -> truncate x), cl);;
  compute 3.5 cl';;

 Notice that the type of Consf contains a variable 'b which is 
 not used in the result type: one can check that 

   ('a -> 'b) * ('b,'c) cfl -> ('a,'c) cfl

 can be seen as 

   \forall 'a 'c. (\exists 'b.('a -> 'b) * ('b,'c) cfl) -> ('a,'c) cfl

 so, when deconstructing a cfl, one gets of course a function and the
 rest of the list, but now we know that their type is

       \exists 'b.('a -> 'b) * ('b,'c) cfl

Well, isn't this a contrived example?

Actually, not at all... back in 1999, when developing a parallel
programming library named ocamlp3l, we implemented high-level
parallelism combinators that allowed to write expressions like this
(hey, isn't this map/reduce? well, yes... indeed that was an ooold idea)

    (seq(intervals 10) ||| mapvector(seq(seq_integr f),5) ||| 

These combinators could be interpreted sequentially or graphically quite
easily, but turning them into a distributed program required a lot of
work, and the first step was to build an AST from these expressions:
here is a snippet of the actual type declaration from the old code in

 (* the type of the p3l cap *)

 type ('a,'b) p3ltree = Farm of (('a,'b) p3ltree * int)
                | Pipe of ('a,'b) p3ltree list
                | Map of (('a,'b) p3ltree * int)
                | Reduce of (('a,'b) p3ltree * int)
                | Seq of ('a -> 'b)

And here is one of the simplification steps we had to perform on the AST

 let (|||) (t1 : ('a,'b) p3ltree) (t2 : ('b,'c) p3ltree) =
   match ((Obj.magic t1 : ('a,'c) p3ltree), (Obj.magic t2 : ('a,'c) p3ltree)) 
     (Pipe l1, Pipe l2) -> Pipe(l1 @ l2)
   | (s1, Pipe l2) -> Pipe(s1 :: l2)
   | (Pipe l1, s2) -> Pipe(l1 @ [s2])
   | (s1, s2) -> Pipe [s1; s2];;

I am sure you see the analogy with the composable function list: a series
of functions in a paralle pipeline have exactly the same type structure.

With GADTs, onw can can finally write this 1999 code in a clean way in OCaml,
so many thanks to the OCaml team, and keep up the good work!

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