I'm trying to figure out how to get 'lmust' in 'get2' in the code
below to work.  It seems that it's type is being inferred as

  string -> string option -> string

instead of

  string -> 'a option -> 'a

The 'must' definition keeps it's polymorphism, as seen in 'get1'.  Is
there some way I can annotate the definition of 'lmust' so that it
will work?  Lifting 'lmust' out of 'get2' doesn't seem to help.


let must section name = function
  | Some o -> o
| None -> Printf.eprintf "Expecting %s in %s\n%!" name section;
    exit 1

type foo = { a: string; b: int }

let get1 a b =
  { a = must "get1" "a" a;
    b = must "get1" "b" b }

let get2 a b =
  (* This isn't polymorphic enough. *)
  let lmust = must "get2" in
  { a = lmust "a" a;
    b = lmust "b" b }

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