
> I'd like to ask for the community help in evaluating the benefits of a new
> strategy to control boxing/unboxing of floats in ocamlopt.

Thanks for this!  I've given the 'more_unboxing' branch a brief try, using
the N-body problem from the infamous shootout as benchmark.  Below are the
results for executables compiled with 3.12.1, today's SVN trunk, and today's
'more_unboxing' branch.  The compiler options are the same as used in the
shootout; the tests consisted of 10^9 iterations on an x86_64 machine:

Version 3.12.1:

 time ./nbody.native 1_000_000_000
 1111.23user 0.13system 18:32.61elapsed 99%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 
 0inputs+0outputs (0major+273minor)pagefaults 0swaps

SVN trunk (2012/03/29):

 time ./nbody.native 1_000_000_000
 969.29user 0.62system 16:14.66elapsed 99%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 
 0inputs+0outputs (0major+273minor)pagefaults 0swaps

SVN branches/more_unboxing (2012/03/29):

 time ./nbody.native 1_000_000_000
 960.72user 0.30system 16:03.51elapsed 99%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 
 0inputs+0outputs (0major+272minor)pagefaults 0swaps

Though the improvement from trunk to more_unboxing is small (about 1%) and
may in fact disappear altogether if one were to run a serious statistical
analysis, the improvement from 3.12.1 to 4.00 is quite striking: about 13%!
What has changed in the compiler that would explain this?

Also, a note to those using GODI: it's fairly straightforward to have multiple
co-existing OCaml installations, making the test of trunk or experimental
branches less disrupting.  You'll find at the end the steps I used to get the
'more_unboxing' branch running.  (Note that I had to run each godi_make step
individually because of step 6, though I'm sure the GODI ninjas will find
ways to streamline this process even further.)

Best regards,
Dario Teixeira


1) Tell GODI the SVN location to checkout.
   Edit $GODI/etc/godi.conf:

  OCAML_SVN_PATH = /ocaml/branches/more_unboxing

2) cd $GODI/build/godi/godi-ocaml-src

3) godi_make clean

4) godi_make fetch

5) godi_make extract

6) GODI expects the source code directory to be called 'work/ocaml'.
   So we must do some renaming before proceeding:

  mv -T work/more_unboxing work/ocaml

7) godi_make patch

8) godi_make configure

9) godi_make build

10) godi_delete godi-ocaml-src-3.12.1godi1

11) godi_make install

12) godi_make package

13) Start godi_console and mark package godi-ocaml for rebuilding.
    This will automatically force an overall rebuild.

14) Enjoy! 

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