Le jeudi, 5 avril 2012 à 11:05, Goswin von Brederlow a écrit :
> If you are writing a module then consider providing both flavours for
> functions, one with exceptions and one with options. Even if you only do
> something like this:

I don't think it's a rule that should be applied consistently, I don't like 
libraries that provide tons of convenience functions, too many names. If you 
stick with the option type (or variant cases) the user can quickly wrap the 
function if it needs an exception (or vice-versa but I prefer it that way since 
it's then documented by the function signature and is in my opinion better 
behaved in general).

However in the particular case of finding something in a data structure where 
the user could be confronted with a situation where he can prove that the datum 
will be found I think it's justified to provide both flavours. For these cases, 
in my own code I settled on the following pattern :  

    val find : 'a t -> key -> 'a option
    (** [find d k] is the value bound to [k] in [d], if any. *)

    val get : 'a t -> key -> 'a  
    (** [get d k] is like {!find} but raises [Invalid_argument] if [k] is not 
bound in [d]. *)



P.S. [Invalid_argument] is used for programming errors. This pattern expresses 
an opinion about using exceptions.  

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