Le Wednesday 23 April 2008 15:56:47 David Allsopp, vous avez écrit :
> All that said, and especially as StdLib changes are reasonably rare, I find
> having files IntSet.ml and IntSet.mli containing:
> include Set.Make(struct type t = int let compare = Pervasives.compare end)
> and
> include Set.S with type elt = int

One should probably use an other function than Pervasives.compare in that 
case. Some "benchmarks" show that 100 000 000 uses of comp with different 
definitions lead to some important differences for performance

let comp = compare   
-> 1,54s

let comp (i:int) (j:int) = compare i j
-> 0.7s

let comp (i:int) (j:int) = 
  if i = j then 0 else if i < j then -1 else 1
-> 0.18s

Alexandre Pilkiewicz

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