Am Dienstag, den 13.05.2008, 10:01 -0400 schrieb Brian Hurt:
> Robert Fischer wrote:
> > > > > > 5. Strings: pushing unicode throughout a general purpose language 
> > > > > > is a
> > > > > > mistake, IMHO. This is why languages like Java and C# are so slow.
> > > > > >           
> > > > > Unicode by itself, when wider-than-byte encodings are used, adds 
> > > > > "zero"
> > > > > runtime overhead; the only overhead is storage (2 or 4 bytes per
> > > > > character).
> > > > >         
> > > > You cannot degrade memory consumption without also degrading 
> > > > performance.
> > > > Moreover, there are hidden costs such as the added complexity in a lexer
> > > > which potentially has 256x larger dispatch tables or an extra 
> > > > indirection
> > > > for every byte read.
> > > >       
> > 
> > Okay, I was going to let this slide, but it kept resurfacing and annoying 
> > me.
> > 
> > Is there any empirical support for the assertion that Java and C# are slow 
> > because of *unicode*?  Of
> > all things, *unicode*?  The fact that they're bytecod languages isn't a 
> > bigger hit?  At least with
> > the JVM, the hypercomplicated GC should probably take some of the blame, 
> > too -- I've seen 2x speed
> > increases by *reducing* the space available to the GC, and 10x speed 
> > increases by boosting the space
> > available to ridiculous levels so that the full GC barely ever has to fire. 
> >  The the nigh-universal
> > optimization-ruining mutable data and virtual function (e.g. method) 
> > dispatch I'm sure doesn't help,
> > too.  And this is to say nothing of user-space problems like the explosion 
> > of nontrivial types
> > associated with the object-driven style.  With all that going on, you're 
> > blaming their *Unicode
> > support* for why they're slow?  "This is why languages like Java and C# are 
> > so slow."  Really?  Got
> > evidence for that?
> > 
> > ~~ Robert.
> > 
> > _
> The problem, as I understand it, is in writting parsers.  Your
> standard finite automata based regular expression library or lexical
> analyzer is based, at it's heart, on a table lookup- you have a 2D
> array, whose size is the number of input characters times the number
> of states.  For ASCII input, the number of possible input characters
> is small- 256 at most.  256 input characters times hundreds of states
> isn't that big of a table- we're looking at sizes in 10's of K- easily
> handlable even in the bad old days of 64K segments.  Even going to
> UTF-16 ups the number of input characters from 256 to 65,536- and now
> a moderately large state machine (hundreds of states) weighs in at
> tens of megabytes of table space.  And, of course, if you try to
> handle the entire 31-bit full unicode point space, welcome to really
> large tables :-).
> The solution, I think, is to change the implementation of your finite
> automata to use some data structure smarter than a flat 2D array, but
> that's me.

Note that we have such a lexer already: ulex. It uses binary decision
trees, AFAIK. The resulting code has moderate size. It can take some
time, however, until ulex has converted the NFA to a DFA.

Gerd Stolpmann * Viktoriastr. 45 * 64293 Darmstadt * Germany 
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