
On 25-08-2008, Richard Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A question for other distributors: Has anyone at any time come up with
> a reasonable scheme for installing multiple versions of the compilers/
> libraries alongside each other?

I have maintained, for sometimes, 4 to 5 five compiler + a minimal set of
libs (oUnit, benchmark, sexplib, findlib) on Windows. It works great but
the compiler/libs where installed in different directories. Switching
from one compiler to another require changing the PATH variable. 

This scheme is possible to install 1 official compiler (i.e. debian
package) along specific other compiler (CVS version...). For example,
you can have /usr/bin/ocaml and /usr/local/ocaml311/bin/ocaml. Adding
/usr/local/ocaml311/bin is enough to switch between compiler. 

Using more advanced scheme is possible but I think you will have a
problem of non uniform build script. There is always a build script
that doesn't allow you to change /usr/bin/ocaml to

Sylvain Le Gall

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