> For reference, I've found the easiest way to export PNGs (in any
> language, not just OCaml) is to use netpbm.

Probably with any language, but perhaps not any OS ?

>                                              Simply fork pnmtopng
> using Unix.open_process_out and write a PPM file.  A PPM file has such
> a simple format that you can write it directly from just about any
> language, even a shell script.
>   P3 <width> <height> 255
>   followed by <width>x<height>x3 RGB triplets (in decimal, separated
>   by writespace)

You can reduce the amount of exchanged datas using binary ppm instead of ascii 
ppm. In such case the format is:

  P6\n<width in ascii> <height in ascii>\n255\n
  followed by <width>x<height>x3 RGB triplets of octect (in binary)

Here is the OCaml code I use, as well for jpeg:

let output_ppm ~oc ~img:(_, r_channel, g_channel, b_channel) =
  let width = Bigarray.Array2.dim1 r_channel
  and height = Bigarray.Array2.dim2 r_channel in
  Printf.fprintf oc "P6\n%d %d\n255\n" width height;
  for y = 0 to pred height do
    for x = 0 to pred width do
      (* output_byte doesn't raise any exception about the range *)
      output_char oc (char_of_int r_channel.{x,y});
      output_char oc (char_of_int g_channel.{x,y});
      output_char oc (char_of_int b_channel.{x,y});
  output_char oc '\n';
  flush oc

(* you can use different conversion commands (convert is from ImageMagick) *)
let print_jpeg ~img ?(quality=96) () =
  let cmd = Printf.sprintf "cjpeg -quality %d" quality in
  let cmd = Printf.sprintf "ppmtojpeg -quality %d" quality in
  let cmd = Printf.sprintf "convert ppm:- -quality %d jpg:-" quality in
  let ic, oc = Unix.open_process cmd in
  output_ppm ~img ~oc;
    while true do
      let c = input_char ic in
      print_char c
  with End_of_file -> ()

(* output any of the hundred formats ImageMagick knows *)
let print_file ~img ~format =
  let cmd = Printf.sprintf "convert ppm:- %s:-" format in
  let ic, oc = Unix.open_process cmd in
  output_ppm ~img ~oc;
    while true do
      let c = input_char ic in
      print_char c
  with End_of_file -> ()

let new_img ~width ~height =
  let all_channels =
    let kind = Bigarray.int8_unsigned
    and layout = Bigarray.c_layout
    Bigarray.Array3.create kind layout 3 width height
  let r_channel = Bigarray.Array3.slice_left_2 all_channels 0
  and g_channel = Bigarray.Array3.slice_left_2 all_channels 1
  and b_channel = Bigarray.Array3.slice_left_2 all_channels 2

Anyway I'm very pleased to see this png exporter, while it's allways usefull 
to remove an external dependency !
Thanks for this piece of code !


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