On Nov 11, 2008, at 8:17 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] - [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Your (dual) suggestion of compilation of Java sources
into either OCaml sources of OCaml binaries for ocamlrun
(or even interpretation of Java bytecode) is interesting.
The Java language is clearly easy to parse, type, and
compile. However, the runtime support library would
be quite large (listing only the first items that come to
 - implementation of a 'native' method from the JDK;

As the original designer of the Java native method mechanism (JRI at netscape which became JNI at Sun)... I'll be the first to say that I'd be very happy to write all my native methods using ocaml's methodology.

 - explicit encoding of the algorithm for message dispatch;
 - explicit encoding of elements need by the reflection

Reflection is another feature of Java that one could get pretty far without. Certainly when porting an application to a new VM this would be a consideration, but when developing a new application, there are simple alternatives that avoid much of the need for reflection.

At the opposite, the Java compiler performs the bare minimum
checks. Then, at runtime the bytecode is verified before
execution. More, through the security manager some
checks are done at runtime to verify if the JVM is allowed
to access a file, open a network connection, etc.
All these runtime checks are obiously needed to grant the
user that some code will not harm its computer (e.g. inside

Java's focus on downloaded applet security and JIT compilation made a lot of sense in the browser world, but is somewhat useless in a server context, which is where most java applications are deployed today. I think that a server-only subset of Java could make a lot of sense, particularly in conjunction with a VM such as ocaml's that provides superior performance and footprint. I think many developers would happily sacrifice a few language features for performance.


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