On Sat, 2009-01-17 at 22:17 +0000, Jon Harrop wrote:
> We've wrapped part of WPF in a functional shim for our F# for Visualization 
> product and, even though it was originally intended for internal use only, 
> our customers are loving using it themselves because it is vastly simpler and 
> less error prone than trying to use WPF's own heavily-imperative but entirely 
> thread unsafe OOP-based API directly.

Out of curiosity: is there a public documentation for your functional

> Incidentally, Cilk looks like the ideal tool to write a parallel GC...

Mmmmhhh... Care to argument this? While I'd be glad to implement, say,
graph search or min-max/alpha-beta with Cilk, I don't quite see how a
concurrent GC would fit into the Cilk model.


David Teller-Rajchenbach
 Security of Distributed Systems
   Latest News of French Research: System being liquidated. Researchers angry. 

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