We, that is, the authors of the ocaml-based nsim continuum field
theory simulator and the nmag micromagnetic application
(http://nmag.soton.ac.uk/), keep on receiving quite some feedback
on two specific modules contained in that project. One is an
extended (and mm-bugfixed) version of Art Yerkes' "Pycaml" module,
the other one is our (rudimentary yet useful) interface to the
PETSc library for MPI-parallelizable sparse/dense matrix linear
algebra (plus linear solvers, etc.).

So, we are considering forking that off in order to distribute it
separately. But as this would involve some amount of work that keeps
us from doing other important things, we would like to hear feedback
from people out there on who might have specific applications or
plans for code that could benefit from this. So, who would like to
use PETSc from within OCaml, and what are your applications?

best regards,
Dr. Thomas Fischbacher

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