On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 5:15 PM, Daniel Bünzli
<daniel.buen...@erratique.ch> wrote:
> If in a rule a command generates multiple files (which don't necessary have
> the same basename as the dep), how can I make ocamlbuild understand that
> these files now exist in _build ?

I've used the following rule under After_rules in myocamlbuild.ml for
camlidl .idl files:

      (* Handle *.idl files properly... I think *)
      rule "camlidl processing"
        ~prods:["%.mli"; "%.ml"; "%_stubs.c"]
        begin fun env _build ->
          let idl = env "%.idl" in
          let tags = tags_of_pathname idl++"compile"++"camlidl" in
          let cmd = Cmd(S[camlidl; T tags; P idl]) in
          Seq [cmd]

Then, given foo.idl, "ocamlbuild foo.cma" seems to work properly,
finding the relevant camlidl-output files.

Hope this helps.


Hezekiah M. Carty
Graduate Research Assistant
University of Maryland
Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science

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