Where can I read up on the syntax of the following in a camlp4 stream parser?

 | [<' INT n >] -> Int n

For example, where are [< ... >] described and why is the ' needed in between?

To be more precise, I'm using camlp4 to parse a language into a non- OCaml AST.

I'm trying to figure out the meaning of [<, >], [[ and ]]

My ocamllex lexer is wrapped to make it look like a stream lexer (below) and I'm returning a tuple of (tok, loc) because I don't see another way of making token location available to the parser.

Still, I'm how to integrate the reporting of error location into ?? in something like this

| [< 'Token.Kwd '('; e=parse_expr; 'Token.Kwd ')' ?? "expected ')'" >] -> e

Would someone kindly shed light on this?

        Thanks in advance, Joel

P.S. ocamllex wrapper to return a' Stream.t

let from_lexbuf tab lb =
  let next _ =
    let tok = token tab lb in
    let loc = Loc.of_lexbuf lb in
    Some (tok, loc)
  in Stream.from next

let setup_loc lb loc =
  let start_pos = Loc.start_pos loc in
  lb.lex_abs_pos <- start_pos.pos_cnum;
  lb.lex_curr_p  <- start_pos

let from_string loc tab str =
  let lb = Lexing.from_string str in
  setup_loc lb loc;
  from_lexbuf tab lb


Mac, C++, OCaml

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