We should have a new release of Batteries by the end of the month,


On Mon, 2009-03-09 at 07:25 -0700, Peter Hawkins wrote:
> Hi...
> Yes. The problem is to do with the case of "Compilers.mli":
> http://forge.ocamlcore.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=168&group_id=17&atid=151
> I have no idea how you fix this if you're doing a GODI build. I gave
> up and built everything by hand.
> Cheers,
> Peter

David Teller-Rajchenbach
 Security of Distributed Systems
   « Ce matin Un crétin A tué un chercheur. » (air connu)
   Latest News of French Research: System being liquidated. Researchers angry.

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