I would like my expression rule to parse "1 + 2 points" as "Plus (1, Points 2)".

I currently have the following, with Points right-associative and at the bottom, but it doesn't work. Is this something that Camlp4 can handle?

        Thanks, Joel

  [ ...
    [ e1 = expr; "Or"; e2 = expr -> Or (e1, e2)
    | e1 = expr; "And"; e2 = expr -> And (e1, e2)
    | e1 = expr; "Mod"; e2 = expr -> Mod (e1, e2)
    | e1 = expr; "*"; e2 = expr -> Mul (e1, e2)
    | e1 = expr; "/"; e2 = expr -> Div (e1, e2)
    | "Not"; e = expr -> Not e
    [ e = expr; [ "Points"; "Point" ]; i = OPT instr -> Points (e, i) ]

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