On Mar 16, 2009, at 2:35 PM, Yaron Minsky wrote:

Our blog is here:


And I wrote a post about our build system here:


Interestingly, it is the most popular post on the blog. Turns out, there are more people who care about version control than people who care about functional programming. (It's not that bad, though. The second most popular post is on type-indexed values).

Just to add the bit of our own experience here:

We have a relatively small group of people here (at most 5 working on the same project, some in separate locations). We also moved to mercurial more than a year ago (we started with subversion), and have automated tests before and after each commit using buildbot (http://buildbot.net/trac ). Each developer can submit his local changes for test before pushing to the main repository, to avoid breaking the central repository that we all pull from. The tests run in numerous processors and OS'es (including parallel machines using MPI, Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X).

This setup works fantastic for our group (and is not very different from that of Jane Street). The main weakness was the Makefile (no wonder). To solve it, few weeks ago I moved all the build scripts to ocamlbuild, and it is working like a charm now. Our lives are a little bit better (once again), thanks to the french fellows :-).


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