Michael Furr wrote:

On Wed, 18 Mar 2009, Hugo Ferreira wrote:

I hope this is not a beginners questions.
I am trying to reuse code via functors,
however I am getting the following error:

Cannot safely evaluate the definition of the recursively-defined module
(refers to "AA.empty" when implemented as a constant value)

I circumvented the problem by not using a
constant value but a function instead. As I
understand it this may cause run-time errors.
My question is: is their any way to make the
following example work.

If you only need to store a constant value in the module, then you can get around the restriction by splitting the module into a (recursively-)safe module, and an extension that adds the constants. Here is a slightly modified version of your code showing the transformation:

Ok, I understand this.

Hugo F.

module type AA_Safe =
  type q
  type t = string

  val compare: t -> t -> int
  val add: t -> q -> q
  (* omit empty here, since it is not "safe" *)

module rec A1 : AA_Safe with type q = ASet.t  =
  type q = ASet.t
  type t = string
  let compare s1 s2 = Pervasives.compare s1 s2
  let add e s = ASet.add e s
and ASet : Set.S with type elt = A1.t = Set.Make(A1)

(* now create the full module *)
module type AA = sig
  include AA_Safe
  val empty: q

module A2 : AA = struct
  include A1
  let empty = ASet.empty

module type Wrap_A =
  type t
  type q

  val init: q
  val add: t -> q -> q
module Make_A (An_A : AA) : Wrap_A
  type t = An_A.t
  type q = An_A.q

  (*let init = ASet.empty*)
  let init = An_A.empty
  let add t q = An_A.add t q

module Wrap_A1 = Make_A( A2 )


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