On 20 mars 09, at 16:25, Jerome Vouillon wrote:

Hi Alan,

On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 03:38:22PM +0100, Alan Schmitt wrote:
I am trying to use lwt under windows (using mingw), and I cannot get it
to compile, because I cannot compile the required ocaml-ssl.

I believe you can compile Lwt without the ocaml-ssl library by just
removing file src/lwt_ssl.mllib

OK. I wanted to install it through godi, but I guess it will be simpler to compile it directly. (The ideal would be a configuration option to have ssl as optional.)

In file src/lwt_unix.ml, you should also change the line:
 let windows_hack = Sys.os_type <> "Unix"
 let windows_hack = false
This was a hack to make Unison work properly under Windows even though
"select" did not support pipes.  As the implementation of "select" has
been improved in Ocaml 3.11, it should no longer be necessary.

Very interesting, I was not aware of this.



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