
> I am discovering this feature of loading dynamically native code. The
> Frama-C framework (www.frama-c.cea.fr) provides now a plugin
> architecture that allows you to develop your own plugin and loads it
> directly in the framework.
> I targeted to adapt a simple tool I developped as a Frama-C plugin and
> faced some difficulties. I did not found enough information about the
> compilation of cmxs files.

Alain's answers are very good. I confirm that packing and dynamic
loading are compatible features: all Frama-C plug-ins are packed and
some of them are dynamically loaded.

However, in the current distributed release of Frama-C, dynamic loading
of plug-ins is still experimental. This feature will be improved in the
next release and it should be easier for plug-in developers to compile
dynamic plug-ins.

Anyway, if you have any additional Frama-C-specific questions/feedbacks
about plug-in development, don't hesitate to sent a message on the
Frama-C public mailing list

Julien Signoles
CEA LIST, Software Reliability Lab
91191 Gif-Sur-Yvette Cedex
tel:(+33)  fax:(+33)  julien.signo...@cea.fr

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