Le 19 juin 09 à 20:47, Jake Donham a écrit :

You can also find FRP in froc (which is quite similar to React; the
main difference is that it works in browsers):

Theoretically React may also work in browsers via o'browsers (http://ocsigen.org/obrowser ) but I never tried.

Correct me if I'm wrong but from my perspective froc is different from react in that it leaks memory (see example below) and is less thread friendly (because it uses global datastructures).



The following froc program consumes an unbounded amount of memory :

open Froc_afp;;

let n = return 1;;

let () =
  while true do
    let m = n >>= fun x -> return (x + 1) in
    print_int (read m);
    Gc.full_major ();

The following equivalent react program consumes a bounded amount of memory :

open React;;

let n, _ = S.create 1

let () =
  while true do
    let m = S.map (fun x -> x + 1) n in
    print_int (S.value m);
    Gc.full_major ();

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