Continuing this conversation about equality...

On Aug 9, 2009, at 9:20 AM, David Allsopp wrote:

Ivan Chollet wrote:

I would have thought physical equality implies structural equality, but it
doesn't seem like it.
Can you please explain to me what’s wrong there?

"It does" - but only with the given caveat that comparison of cyclic
structures may not terminate. has a similar restriction, although note that [compare q q] in your example does return 0 (which is lucky or it would be a bug as the docs for Pervasives.(==) state that [x ==
y] => [compare x y = 0]).

Let me start with a few pedantic comments about the documentation of (==):

First, what David says isn't *quite* what the documentation says. The documentation only says this is [x==y] implies [compare x y = 0] for non-mutable structures. And in fact, what the documentation says is surprisingly weak: an implementation could define (==) as *always false* for non-mutable structures and yet satisfy the documentation. I'm not sure of the right way to reword it, but this loophole in the specification seems undesirable.

My other issue is that the description of (==) for mutable structures doesn't specify that it is symmetric; reading the documentation literally only implies that e1 is a substructure of e2. Even just adding 'and vice versa' might clean this up: e1 == e2 is true if and only if physical modification of e1 also affects e2 and vice versa

Okay, now for more substantive questions:

The notes in may be of interest

I hadn't paid attention to the distinction drawn between 'may not terminate' and 'does not terminate' until I read the discussion at that link, but it's relevant to my question below...

On Aug 9, 2009, at 9:55 AM, Alain Frisch wrote:

On 8/9/2009 2:06 PM, ivan chollet wrote:

I would have thought physical equality implies structural equality, but
it doesn’t seem like it.

Can you please explain to me what’s wrong there?

There are two modes for the generic comparison. The total mode ( creates a total ordering between values (except for functional values and custom blocks with no comparison function) and uses physical equality as a shortcut to cut the recursive traversal of sub-values. The non-total mode (used by the operators = < > <= >=) has a different behavior for NaN values ([nan <= x], [x <= nan], and [nan = x] all return false, including when x is nan) and does not use the physical equality shortcut (so that [let x = (nan, nan) in x = x] returns false).

In terms of 'may not' versus 'does not' terminate, I just noticed that the current documentation for (=) says 'may not terminate' while the documentation for (>=) says 'does not terminate'. However, the example cited in the link above:
type t = { a : t };;
let rec x = { a = x } in x = x
doesn't terminate in OCaml 3.11. This seems to be about as simple a cyclic structure as there is, so shouldn't (=)'s documentation say 'Equality between cyclic structures does not terminate.'?

Also, the documentation for says 'may not terminate'. Is this supposed to imply that it uses the shortcut Alain mentions (because if it did not use physical equality as a shortcut then it would say 'does not terminate')? Or is this shortcutting meant to be undocumented?

And is there any reason, aside from NaN values, that (=) does *not* use physical equality as a shortcut? The only other reason I can think of is that, in cases where things are in fact *not* physically equal, checking physical equality would introduce a small overhead.

In any case, if I have a data structure which I know does not contain any NaNs (for example, maybe it doesn't contain any floats whatsoever), is there ever a reason I should prefer (=) to (compare x y = 0)? It sounds to me like compare is preferable because of its shortcutting behavior.

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