Float refs are not unboxed automatically, because refs
Are polymorphic containers. If you create your own pseudo-ref, i.e., a record with a single mutable float field, then I believe you should get the behaviour you expect.

Come to think of it, I wonder if it would be better to implement ref on top of a single-cell array, since then everyone would get the float unboxing whenever applicable. I imagine there is some runtime overhead to this, though.


On Aug 28, 2009, at 4:32 PM, Will M Farr <f...@mit.edu> wrote:

Hello all,

I'm running OCaml 3.11.1, and I noticed something strange in some native code for matrix multiply today. The code was

let mmmul store m1 m2 =
 let (ni,nk) = dims m1 and
     (nk2,nj) = dims m2 and
     (sni,snj) = dims store in
 for i = 0 to ni - 1 do
   let row1 = m1.(i) and
       srow = store.(i) in
   for j = 0 to nj - 1 do
     let sum = ref 0.0 in   (* Un-boxed float ref? *)
     for k = 0 to nk - 1 do
       let row2 = Array.unsafe_get m2 k in
       let x = Array.unsafe_get row1 k and
           y = Array.unsafe_get row2 j in
       sum := !sum +. x*.y
     Array.unsafe_set srow j !sum

(I compiled with ocamlopt.) It multiplies the matrices (represented as arrays of arrays of floats) m1 and m2 together and puts the result into the matrix store. Profiling the code, I noticed a call to caml_modify during the execution of this function! Turns out that the culprit was the float ref "sum". Changing to the following code (which eliminates the float ref, and uses the <- and .( ) operators instead of unsafe_set and unsafe_get) eliminated that call, and sped things up tremendously:

let mmmul store m1 m2 =
 let (ni,nk) = dims m1 and
     (nk2,nj) = dims m2 in
 for i = 0 to ni - 1 do
   let row1 = m1.(i) and
       srow = store.(i) in
   for j = 0 to nj - 1 do
     srow.(j) <- 0.0;
     for k = 0 to nk - 1 do
       let row2 = Array.unsafe_get m2 k in
       let x = row1.(k) and
           y = row2.(j) in
       srow.(j) <- srow.(j) +. x*.y

But, I thought that float ref's were automatically unboxed by the compiler when they didn't escape the local context. Is this a complier bug, is there a bad interaction with unsafe_get and unsafe_set, or is there something else going on that I don't understand? Any enlightenment would be appreciated.

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