Le 06 Sep 2009 10:52, Gaius Hammond a écrit:
> That's an interesting question. I have a friend who is an astrophysicist 
> at a French observatory. He and his colleagues use FORTRAN and more 
> recently Python (which hands off its heavy numeric work to LAPACK and 
> BLAS). OCaml is unheard of, yet it ought to be perfect for them.

I don't think the OCaml bindings for BLAS and LAPACK are close to the
power and the ease of use of Numpy and Scipy. They provide all the
facilities of Matlab with the power of a true programming language (even
if I don't like Python).

I would say there is a lot of of work to provide such a library with all
the syntactic sugar needed to use it confortably but I'm sure that it
would be really nice to have efficient and powerful matrix computation
in a safe language.



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