On 21-09-2009, Vincent Aravantinos <vincent.aravanti...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Le 21 sept. 09 à 09:59, Stéphane Glondu a écrit :
>> Vincent Aravantinos a écrit :
>>> There is also this project:
>>> http://forge.ocamlcore.org/projects/ocaml-autobuild/
>>> which seems quite dead, though.
>> The last commit was two months ago:
>> http://darcs.ocamlcore.org/cgi-bin/darcsweb.cgi?r=ocaml-autobuild;a=summary
>> I don't think this qualifies as "dead"...
> Indeed, sorry. btw how did you get this link ? I couldn't find it from  
> the project site.
> Notice I didn't said it *was* dead but it *seems* dead, and indeed:
> - no announce

Not yet released and not finished enough to be announced.

> - 0% activity

That is because I use darcs which is not accounted for activity.

> I guess it's not currently "usable" (?)

Well, it is usable for pure ocaml projects. I am still working on C
file. I use it on several of my own project. 

I am REALLY planning to work on it quite soon to have something
released. Please give me time...

Sylvain Le Gall -- ocaml-autobuild dev.

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