On Sunday 27 September 2009 22:58:59 David McClain wrote:
> On Sep 27, 2009, at 12:25 PM, Jon Harrop wrote:
> > where the "kthSmallest" and "Array2D.parallelInit" functions are both
> > polymorphic. The former handles implicit sequences of any comparable
> > type and
> > the latter handles 2D arrays of any element type. This use of
> > polymorphic
> But facing a situation with 2^26 pixels to process, I would never do
> that.

Here is a better one-line F# solution:

  images |> Array2D.map (fun xs -> Array.sortInPlaceWith compare xs; xs.[m/2])

This solves your problem from the REPL in 0.34s. Moreover, you can easily 
parallelize it in F#:

  Parallel.For(0, n, fun y ->
    for x=0 to n-1 do
      Array.sortInPlaceWith compare images.[y, x])
  images |> Array2D.map (fun xs -> xs.[m/2])

On this 8-core box, the time taken is reduced to 0.039s (finally a superlinear 
speedup on my Intel box, yay!).

Here is the OCaml equivalent:

  Array.map (Array.map (fun gs -> Array.sort compare gs; gs.(m/2))) images

This solves your problem non-interactively in 32s, which is 821x slower than 

This huge performance discrepancy is a direct result of the elegant solution 
using polymorphic functions. HLVM's solution to polymorphism solves this 
problem, offering polymorphism with no performance degradation whatsoever.

> I would write a type-specific function to apply.

Why waste your time doing by hand what the compiler can do for you?

> Why dispatch of every pixel of the aggregate, when I could dispatch once at
> the top, to decide what kind of homogeneous array...

Why dispatch at all when a JIT compiler would already know all of the types 
involved and could partially specialize your code for them?

FWIW, a completed HLVM would solve this problem extremely efficiently despite 
having a naive garbage collector because the entire program only does a 
single allocation. This is not at all uncommon in technical computing and is 
exactly the characteristic I was referring to: these solutions leverage 
features of the OCaml language like higher-order functions, currying and 
partial application but they have completely different performance 
requirements to those of Coq. In the context of technical computing, the 
benefits of shared-memory parallelism far outweigh those of efficient 
single-threaded allocation and collection of small values.

Dr Jon Harrop, Flying Frog Consultancy Ltd.

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