
I encountered a rather weird issue. A binding of mine works fine when bundled as a .cmxa, but fails when bundled as a .cma. I'm running a Linux Debian amd64.

I've tracked down the issue to the following point: it seems that when the BSS (uninitialised data section) of libmonetdb5.so is dynamically loaded, it doesn't get initialised to 0. And the code in libmonetdb5.so relies on the fact that BSS gets initialised to 0 when dynamically loaded.

To reproduce my problem, do the following:

You need to have the following Debian packages installed for MonetDB.


The *-dbg packages are packages I've changed and recompiled with the -g option. They are available from my website:


The key signing the repo is located at


and you just have to do

        cat yziquel-debian-packages.asc | sudo apt-key add -

and include the following lines:

deb     http://yziquel.homelinux.org/debian stable   main
deb-src http://yziquel.homelinux.org/debian stable   main
deb     http://yziquel.homelinux.org/debian testing  main
deb-src http://yziquel.homelinux.org/debian testing  main
deb     http://yziquel.homelinux.org/debian unstable main
deb-src http://yziquel.homelinux.org/debian unstable main

The rest of the MonetDB packages can be found here:


and the monetdb5 binding is here:


(click on snapshot to download one).

Now here is why I believe that the BSS is not properly initialised. The code in which I have my segfault is the following one, function findBox. Line 330 of:


There is this line:

if (box[i] != NULL && idcmp(name, box[i]->name) == 0) {

I've followed machine code instructions step by step there, with ddd.

In native code, box[i] == NULL. Evaluation stops there (i.e. box[i] != NULL is false). Everything is perfect.

In bytecode, box[i] != NULL because BSS is not initialised to 0... And it then tries to access box[i]->name, and segfaults.

For the record, you have:

  211 typedef struct BOX {
  212   MT_Lock lock;           /* provide exclusive access */
  213   str name;
  214   MalBlkPtr sym;
  215   MalStkPtr val;
  216   int dirty;              /* don't save if it hasn't been changed */
  217 } *Box, BoxRecord;


  263 #define MAXSPACES 64              /* >MAXCLIENTS+ max modules !! */
  264 Box box[MAXSPACES];

For the disassembled code, you can have a look at:


I've also tried running ltrace to see how dynamic loading happens for the bytecode monetdb5.cma:


But it gives ma 95% of ocaml related lines, and the end is concerned only with ml_monetdb_sql. I'd like to see how the 'box' symbol gets loaded in BSS, but do not know how to do that.

So: is ocaml failing to initialise memory to 0 when limonetdb5.so is dynamically loaded?

     Guillaume Yziquel

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