New releases are available for some of our software:
 - Ocsigen server version 1.3.0
 - Eliom version 1.3.0
 - O'Browser version 1.1

You can download them from .
Packages should be available soon in distributions.

 * Ocsigen server is a full featured Web server written in OCaml with the Lwt 
cooperative threads library. It is easy to write your own extensions to the 
server in OCaml if you need some extra features or if you want to develop your 
own Web programming module.

 * Eliom is a Web application programming framework in OCaml. It uses high 
level concepts to program complex Web applications easily. Eliom allows to 
check the validity of html pages statically, and proposes high level 
management of sessions and Web interaction. It also solves lots of security 
problems for you.

 * O'Browser is a virtual machine for OCaml written in Javascript. This allows 
to run OCaml programs, compiled with the usual bytecode compiler, inside a Web 
browser, without any plugin. It implements most of OCaml's standard library 
(even Thread and Graphics!) and allows to interact with the Web page and the 
browser. You can use it without Eliom and Ocsigen server.

With version 1.3.0, Ocsigen server and Eliom reached a good maturity level. We 
are now working on very exciting features for version 2.0, that will mainly 
concern client side programming using Eliom.

All our software is open source.

Vincent Balat [for the Ocsigen team]

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