I have an OCaml 3.11 program that prints out the arguments on the command line:

  let main =Array.iter (Printf.printf "arg = %s\n") Sys.argv

On Linux, if I provide a command line argument containing 8-bit characters,
like é (an e with an acute accent), the program above, compiled with ocamlopt
or ocamlc, prints them faithfully.

For Windows, I can compile the program above with ocamlc on Windows, or 
it with MinGW-ocaml on Linux.  In both cases, any 8-bit characters in the 
line are printed as garbage.  I've tried running the program from rxvt (a shell 
Cygwin) and Windows cmd.exe.

Why does the behavior differ?

Although it's not a particular concern to me, the OCaml interpreter handles 
8-bit characters
on Linux and Windows differently.  From the earlier part of my message, you'd 
think that
Linux ocaml handles such characters well, and Windows ocaml, not well -- but 
just the
opposite holds!  In Windows, if I enter a string containing an 8-bit character, 
the interpreter spits
it back faithfully:

  # "é";;
  - : string = "é"

But in Linux:

  # "é";;
  - : string = "\195\169"

Why this inconsistency?

-- Paul
Paul Steckler
National ICT Australia
paul DOT steckler AT nicta.com.au

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