Le 16/06/2010 06:07, Damien Doligez a écrit :
> We have the pleasure of celebrating Bloomsday by announcing the release of
> OCaml version 3.12.0+beta1.
> This is a beta release, available as source only and intended for power
> users to test new features and report bugs (if any). [...]

I've successfully recompiled almost all Debian packages with this new
version. There are still a few packages that don't compile [3], either
because they are broken or have broken dependencies.

A list of bugs related to this new version is available at [1]. The
titles of the bugreports should give an overview of practical sources of
incompatibilities (these are not Debian-specific). Some of them are
already fixed (either in upstream repository, or with a home-made patch).

I've made a (unofficial) repository binary packages for the amd64
architecture, available at [2]. All sources and build logs are available
as well. It might progressively get populated by binary packages for
armel and mipsel. The binary packages should work with current Debian
unstable, and people using testing or unstable can easily test them.
However, please note that OCaml 3.12.0 will most likely not be updated
(and supported) in the official repositories before the next release of
Debian (Squeeze).

[2] http://ocaml.debian.net/debian/ocaml3120beta1/
[3] http://ocaml.debian.net/debian/ocaml3120beta1/missing.txt

> [...] This release brings
> a lot of new features, see the list included below. [...]

Here are some other worthwhile features:

 - Native-code compiler for ARM EABI -> armel becomes a native
   architecture in Debian. Native Dynlink doesn't work, but otherwise
   all packages were compiling natively during my earlier experiments
   with the SVN version.

 - Some support for Findlib in ocamlbuild.

I don't know their official status, though...



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