> On 21-06-2010, lin hong <lh...@amnh.org> wrote:
>> I have problem getting a full traceback of some exception error. The
>> traceback looks like this:
>> Fatal error: exception Invalid_argument("index out of bounds")
>> Raised at file "camlinternalLazy.ml", line 33, characters 10-11
>> Called from file "list.ml", line 74, characters 24-34
>> But that's all I got, both camlinternalLazy.ml and list.ml are ocaml
>> source code, I still don't know which part of my code trigger it. Also,
>> in
>> camlinternalLazy.ml line 33, there is a "try .... with e -> raise e", is
>> this the reason I don't have a full traceback -- Maybe something else
>> catch the "raise e" ?  Any idea?
> To get the full trace, you need to compile your code with "-g", i.e.
> ocamlc -g foo.ml
> If you don't have this debug flag, you won't see calls from the code you
> compiled.

Thank you for your reply.

I believe the "-g" flag is being used during compile though, for I can get
full traceback with other exception error in the code. This is the first
and only exception error without the full trace.

> The "try ... with e -> raise e" just re-raise the exception and you will
> be able to see it in the full trace.
> Regards,
> Sylvain Le Gall
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